Why Your Website Needs To Be Mobile Friendly

Responsive Website Design, or mobile-friendly design, is the process of ensuring that your website works across a broad spectrum of devices - from desktop PC's to laptops, from tablets and phones.

Responsive Design is not just a luxury that large companies can afford. Based on research by Pew Research, it has become a necessity for any business wanting to do business on the web. Here's why:

Decreased Rankings in Google Mobile Search Results

As the leader in online search, Google makes the rules. As of April 21st, 2015 Google implemented its mobile-friendly update. The update boosted the rankings of mobile-friendly pages -- pages that are legible and usable on mobile devices -- in mobile search results worldwide. Conversely, pages designed for only large screens would see significant decrease in rankings in mobile search results.

If your website is not mobile friendly, it will drop in Google's search results on mobile and/or tablet devices.

Over 57% of All Americans Use Cell Phones to Access the Internet

Since 2009, the number of individuals that use cell phones to access the internet has more than doubled to 57 percent.

If your website is not mobile friendly, users may not be able to see it.

Over 19% of All Americans Use Cell Phones As The Primary Means to Access the Internet

These users rely on their cell phones as their primary method of Internet access, in lieu of desktop or laptop PC's. Young adults, non-whites, and those with relatively low income and education levels are particularly likely to be in this group.

If your website is not mobile friendly, large segments of the US population may not have access to your website.

The Majority of Cell Phone Users Have Used Their Phones In The Last 30 Days To Get "Just-In-Time" Information.

Over 70% of all cell phone owners and 86% of smartphone owners have used their phones in the previous 30 days to decide whether to visit a business.

If your website is not mobile friendly, you could be losing potential shoppers and impulse buyers to competitors whose websites cater to mobile users.

Use of Mobile Devices Is Expected to Continue Growing

Use of mobile devices is projected to continue growing by consumers and businesses. Current trends indicate that the use of mobile devices will continue to grow.

If your website is not mobile friendly, you are probably losing potential future business.

Wild-Webs, Inc.
Shawnee Mission, KS
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One of Kansas City's Most Experienced Professional Website Design and Web Development Companies